Centre for Workforce Intelligence

The Centre for Workforce Intelligence (CfWI) is the national authority on workforce planning and development across health and social care in England.

The CfWI was formed following a review of the future of the NHS workforce in 2008, A High Quality Workforce, which highlighted the need for better workforce planning across the health and social care system. The Government White Paper Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS published in July 2010 states that "the Centre for Workforce Intelligence will act as a consistent source of information and analysis, informing and informed by all levels of the system".

The CfWI provides an easily accessible route to health and social care planners, clinicians and commissioners seeking workforce planning and development expertise to improve health and social care services. The CfWI supports long-term and strategic scenario planning for the whole health and social care workforce, based on research, evidence and analysis, in order to build strong leadership and capability in workforce planning. The CfWI started operating on 1 July 2010.

Key strategic areas

Chief executive

Peter Sharp, is responsible for the CfWI's overall leadership, organisation and management.

Director of commissioning

Professor Moira Livingston, our director of commissioning, is committed to a whole-system approach to workforce planning across health and social care.

Governance Board members

See also


External links